High Quality Hand Crafted Pike and Muskie Lures
Thank you for stopping by Muskie Getters web site!
I'm grateful for each and every customerwho visits this site. I work hard at coming up with new lures, and test each of them out in the water.
As a small lure company it's not about how much the bait costs, it's about providing a high quality bait at a reasonable price. When I'm not making Pike and Muskie baits, I'm coming up with new ideas and improving my baits.
Since the beginning of Muskie Getters in 2007, I haven't raised my prices at all. I want all customers new and old to fish with confidence, knowing that with Muskie Getters you can hook into a trophy fish using a high quality, reasonably priced lure.
I encourage you to explore my websiteand check out all the lures I have to offer. Feel free to email me if you have any questions.
Please practice C-P-R (Catch - Photo - Release) for the future of fishing. And remember, when you catch a Muskie or big Pike with a Muskie Getter lure, feel free to say what Jody says when he catches one...